An Affordable Academic Focused School
Offering Computer Science with Maths, STEM and Other Courses
Our Logo
The ladder represents the journey that students will make to reach their dreams. The crescent symbolizes the dreams of the students.
Our Motto
We hope for the students to dream and realize that dreams are only possible with goals
We encourage our students to always have goals because dreams are not realities without their goals
Nothing is possible without dedication and from a young age we want the students to be mindful of that
Together we hope that the students will be successful
Founder and Principal
Our founder was in the teaching profession for over two decades and her experiences made her realize the gaps that are present in the educational system today. She wanted to help students in this technology driven world to take a step back and approach education in a more traditional way, with the tools of modern learning. Her experiences with students from all over the world made her realize that although the Canadian curriculum was an excellent curriculum, there were aspects of the global education that could be incorporated into the educational system to better help the students become more focused, and bridge those missing gaps. To this endeavour, she realised the importance of offering a unique learning environment, where the students are helped with their academic goals, but also to make them independent individuals who have accountability of their learning goals.
How are we different?
In Crescent Academy (CLCI), we are following the Ontario curriculum, but incorporating the academic guidelines from other parts of the world. Our created program will help students with all core courses but especially math, science and literacy. The program is designed in mind to benefit individual students by one-on-one feedback and learning strategies, as well as helping them work in groups with their peers.
The gaps left in the public schools in spelling, reading, literacy, math and writing skills are ones that Crescent hopes to fill, so that the students are able to enter high school and university with the tools and confidence that they need.
For this purpose, our teaching style incorporates both traditional and modern applications of learning. Emphasis will be given on vocabulary as well as critical and independent thinking. Using different forms of learning we hope students will approach education in a way, where they will learn to be independent and grow to love learning.
Our students are citizens of a global world, where they will learn about the world within and outside of Canada. We at Crescent Academy (CLCI) believe that along with the support of the Parents, we can help individual students grow to be responsible thinkers who will be able to meet all challenges of education and life.
Crescent Academy (CLCI) also includes an environment of support with encouragement and attention. We will strive to make the students independent, who will have clear goals and succeed in achieving their dreams.
Electives: Crescent Academy (CLCI) is proud to offer additional classes:
- Islamic Studies, Quran Studies
- Arabic Language, Hindi Language
- Computers
- Arts & World History
- Other Languages (On Request)